Born and raised in Ellicott City, Maryland. I’ve been photographing weddings full time since 2013.
I quit the stable 9-5 job, took the risk, moved across the country to pursue this dream. Since then, I’ve photographed +250 weddings. To me, it still has been the best career decision I’ve made and I have absolutely no regrets. I’ve had the chance to meet amazing couples along the way – ones who have become lifelong friends. I love that we are able to share stories and adventures together. Typically after the wedding, I see many couples starting their own family and it’s beautiful to be able to witness.
For me, to be able to capture memories for truly incredible people has been the most humbling and greatest treasure of my life. It is an incredible honor to have been able to witness and celebrate couples marriage.

… my best Ryan Gosling ‘La La Land’ impression
To write a new chapter is to venture into the unknown.
It’s to stare at a blank page.
And as any writer will tell you, there’s nothing more terrifying than a blank page.
But here’s the thing.
Once we edit our story, the next chapter becomes much easier to write.
We talk so much in our culture about getting to know ourselves.
But part of getting to know yourself is to un-know yourself.
To let go of the one version of the story you’ve been telling yourself so that you can live your life,
and not the story that you’ve been telling yourself about your life.
– Lori Gottlieb
When I was 10-year-old, my family went to Japan to see our relatives. Out of sheer laziness, my parents gave me the family camera and allowed (better word for ‘forced’ lol) me to take photos of our vacation.
In high school, I was that friend who carried a camera around and documented everything – eventually becoming those MySpace and Facebook profile pics. I shared all my photos with friends and it became my ‘thing’.
I traveled across the country to attend a small university in California. Long story short, I became the unofficial student photographer, which led me to my first job as a photographer, assisted a few weddings in 2011, then I decided to start my own wedding photography business in 2013.